About Implant Removal
If you are considering breast implant removal surgery like the many women that have visited us from New Orleans, Metairie, Houma, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Covington and beyond please come in for a free consultation. We offer breast implant removal procedures to women (even if the original surgery did not take place with our plastic surgeons) at Dr. Black Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Breast implant removal surgery is performed by our board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Elliott Black or Dr. Summer Black for women who no longer wish to have their saline or silicone breast implants for medical or personal reasons. Breast implant leaking, breast implant rupture, capsular contracture or Breast Implant Illness a.k.a. BII are all medical reasons to have breast implants removed. Women who ask for breast implant removal for personal reasons, may just want a size change or the implants no longer fit their lifestyle. Our plastic surgeons will listen to your concerns, and make recommendations based on your health. We generally recommend taking out the implants and the capsule (capsulectomy) during the time of breast implant removal. We would like to extend an invitation to a private consultation in our Metairie, LA office if you are searching for a compassionate plastic surgeon to meet this need.
Breast Implant Removal Reviews
Do I Qualify?
Women with breast implants may want to have their breast implants removed (explant) for medical or personal reasons. If you are a patient in good health and can tolerate general or local anesthesia, you are a good candidate for this procedure. Of course, our plastic surgeon will want to discuss in great detail all of your health concerns and why you no longer wish to have your breast implants. We will listen to your concerns, and guide our treatment planning based on your aesthetic needs and health goals.
What to Expect
Your breast implant removal procedure will usually be performed under a general anesthetic. Implant removal surgery generally takes about 1 – 2 hours to complete. The incisions will be closed with sutures, and the area will be bandaged. You will recover in our post-operation recovery room. Out of town patients generally spend the night at our first class hospital facility and are discharged the following morning. After breast implant removal or explantation, the implants can be returned to you or discarded depending on your wishes.
Other Considerations
Most women are surprised by how good their breasts look after their implants are removed but some women require additional surgery. Women, who have large breast implants or who have had their implants in for many years may be left with deflated breast tissue once the implant is removed, however, the the skin and breast tissue does tend to get firmer and tighter over time just as a woman's abdomen does after she has a baby. If necessary, Dr. Black can do a breast lift to tighten the skin and enhance the contour and shape of the breast. A breast lift can be done alone or in conjunction with fat grafting to the breast. You may also have the option for the implant to be exchanged. This will all be discussed during the initial consultation and treatment planning.

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If you would like to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon about the removal of your breast implants with an exchange, call Dr. Black Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery for a completely private consultation. We have many years of experience in working with women with breast implants, and understand that breast implant removal is necessary in particular cases. Schedule your appointment in our Metairie, LA office at your earliest convenience.